Outdoor cooking without the mess! Chicken breasts topped with peppered bacon are sealed together with potatoes, carrots, and onions in individual foil...
This is the best chicken marinade for grilling! For tender, juicy chicken with a beautiful caramel color, this easy recipe is a must-try. Don't marinate...
Skinless, boneless chicken breasts are split and stuffed with mushrooms, ricotta, and feta cheeses and marinated artichokes and sprinkled with Italian...
This recipe is very similar to a chicken dish served at a local well-known restaurant. A friend of mine was kind enough to share it. It includes chicken...
This recipe is very similar to a chicken dish served at a local well-known restaurant. A friend of mine was kind enough to share it. It includes chicken...
This is an easy stuffed chicken breast that is absolutely yummy. I listed the olives as optional because I do not like olives, but I have made it with...
Baked chicken breasts marinated in Italian dressing and Greek seasoning, topped with Havarti cheese, green chili pepper, and sauteed mushrooms. Pairs beautifully...
If you are looking for a creamy, cheesy, flavorful recipe - this is it! Comfort food is always welcomed in every home. I think most of you will love this...
Chicken breasts topped with Swiss cheese and baked in a creamy white wine sauce. I made this dinner for my senior prom date almost 20 years ago. She is...
This easy-to-make casserole was a hit at my house! I used leftovers for part of it, which is always a plus, and it all went together so well. As for the...
This a great way to add a little extra something to your Alfredo. Works well with all different kinds of veggies, too! You can adjust the amount of seasoning...
Chicken breasts stuffed with a mixture of sausage, mushrooms, onion, garlic and blue cheese dressing; coated with Creole seasoning, seared and baked. These...
Chicken breasts stuffed with a mixture of sausage, mushrooms, onion, garlic and blue cheese dressing; coated with Creole seasoning, seared and baked. These...
Chicken breasts dipped in an apricot/mustard sauce, then rolled in chopped cashew nuts for a wonderfully tangy, crunchy and easy baked chicken dish. This...
Try this recipe for chicken that is marinated and grilled, dipped in butter and tastes amazingly like lobster. My Dad actually got this recipe from a friend...
Try this recipe for chicken that is marinated and grilled, dipped in butter and tastes amazingly like lobster. My Dad actually got this recipe from a friend...
My husband (who is not a cook) developed this recipe when looking through what we had in the fridge. We love capers and my VERY picky 8-year old always...
Chicken breasts bathed in a delicate mustard tarragon sauce. A quick and simple recipe that you can serve on a weeknight but tastes like a French chef...
Low-calorie, low-carb dinners can be absolutely delicious if done right! This one is full of color, flavor, and texture. I make this one often and it is...
Low-calorie, low-carb dinners can be absolutely delicious if done right! This one is full of color, flavor, and texture. I make this one often and it is...
My husband (who is not a cook) developed this recipe when looking through what we had in the fridge. We love capers and my VERY picky 8-year old always...
Mayonnaise and soup stirred into cooked chicken breast and rice with a little onion/celery saute, then topped with slivered almonds and cereal crumbs....
These are the BEST green beans you will ever have. This recipe can be altered to your liking. I throw bacon in and omit the chicken for a side dish. Makes...
I was craving some quick, spicy Thai food with tons of veggies one day after work. This is what I came up with. Great way to use up all your vegetables....
Butterflied chicken breasts are stuffed with a garlic, chive, and cream cheese mixture, wrapped with a slice of bacon, and topped with butter. Very delicious...
A delightful take on chicken with fresh raspberries and oranges, this recipe is special enough for company or casual dinners with the family. My husband...
A delightful take on chicken with fresh raspberries and oranges, this recipe is special enough for company or casual dinners with the family. My husband...